Quentin Tarantinos first foray into the world of directing, and in my opinion, still his strongest piece of work. A crime story taking place almost entirely after the crime, it focuses on the meetup afterwards at a warehouse. This warehouse becomes the stage for a brutal torture, some amazing dialogue, a double cross and an awesome standoff at the end. Theres a lot to like in this film, and I could watch it over and over again. Everything fits, and like the other films on this list, I see it as a truly fantastic contribution to film making.
The second and fifth outing into the Star Wars universe gives us a true gem. I've often said that Star Wars is every fairy tale told at once, and Empire really shows that. You have the romance that was undercurrent in A New Hope brought to fruition, with Han and Luke fighting over Leia, all the while Luke is discovering things about himself which throws his romantic troubles into an all new heap of trouble. Luke comes of age in some fantastic training with the eccentric Yoda, Vader starts to move in on the Rebel Alliance and Hans has to deal with the betrayel from his best friend. A lot goes on in this movie, and it culminates in one of the greatest endings to any film I've ever seen. From Hans epic line "I know", all the way to Vaders reveal, this film will stay with you for a while. In fact, about 11 years after first seeing it, this film still affects me.
A film can sometimes be preachy, and the plot can be lost in the message. If a film wants to deliver a message, it should still concentrate on plot and characters. And Fight Club does this so well its somewhat astounding. You'll walk away from this film with a deep appreciation for the characters and story, whilst at the same time, you'll understand the message of ant-commercialism. The film ranges from the humourus to the downright shocking, with plenty of classic scenes to keep any watcher hooked from start to finish. The film also has Meat Loaf as a man with boobs.
Jack Nicholson is one of the greatest actors of all time. Batman, A Few Good Men, The Shining, he usually steals the show in any film he's in. But one film, he not only steals the show, he is the show. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest has probably the best acting I've seen in a film, especially from Jamie Favourite Nicholson, who provides a stunningly likeable character. The film poses the question: What if a rebel was put in an insane asylum? Because thats what his character is, a rebel. He's not insane, he's pretty okay in the head, but he doesn't like bowing down to authority. But because of this, they hospital staff fear that he is going more insane, and impose more rules on him. It's a true character piece, and the film is stunning to watch from start to finish.
Terry Gilliams has had a rocky post-Python career, but Brazil was definetly a high point. I LOVE this film. From the social and political commentary (thats still relevant today, in some places more so) to the amazing preformance from Jonathan Pryce, this is a film that every cinema-lover should watch. The plot centres around Sam Lowry, an office worker in an Orwellian city, trying to woo a girl he saw in his dreams, as well as sorting out a mistake on a form which caused the death of a man. The film deals with serious issues, and has some downright disturbing scenes, but at the same time it keeps an air of humour about itself. It's a film that can be slapstick hilarious one minute, and serious and dark the next. And it can pull this off without seeming unfocused. A wonderful film, and Gilliam was really unlucky to not have struck oil with it. Because truly? Brazil is a masterpiece of cinema.
And those are my top 5 films. I may do a "Bottom 5 Films" later on, consisting mainly of Michael Bay films
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