Okay, maybe this one is cheating a bit. I mean, after all, I AM editor of the site. Maybe a different, less biased choice is in order.
Tumblr is a site that has been around since around '07, but only recently have I discovered it. Tumblr is a website that basically means "Hey guys look what I just found online". Imagine StumbleUpon but rather than being based on a bunch of strangers thumbing things up, its all your friends showing you cool things. For example, a friend tumbl'd this . Any website that helps me find that is pretty damn good.
It's also one of the better blogging tools out there. Not as fine as good ol' Blogger, but it's a lot better than "I now realise its not that great" Twitter.
It's also one of the better blogging tools out there. Not as fine as good ol' Blogger, but it's a lot better than "I now realise its not that great" Twitter.

Lady Gaga is the current day Madonna, and I will argue this statement until I die. She's outrageous, a good singer (despite how much autotune her producers use) and is very sexual. She is also extremly popular with the young generation, whilst the older people don't -get- it. That's exactly what Madonna was. And you know what? The Fame Monster is one of the best made dance-pop albums ever made. Don't believe? Go on Youtube and listen to Bad Romance or Monster. Then tell me that this album isn't pure gold.

Hey, anyone you ask woulda thought I'd have given this to TheSpoonyOne. And you know, fanboyism almost made me do just that. But y'know what? Nostalgia Critic had a better year. Spoony seems to be mulling around, not sure how many "skits" he should put in as opposed to actual reviews, and his reviews have been getting a little on the long side. However, NC has been consistant, putting out a slew of fantastic reviews. This guys still funny, and is on a massive roll. SpoonyOne had an okay year, but Nostalgia Critic had a bloody phenonemal one.
I'm gonna be honest, I haven't seen much cinema at all this year. And by that, I mean I haven't been once. District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Thirst, Terminator Salvation...all films I wanted to see, but never got round to it. Nevertheless, here is the film I saw for the first time this year that I enjoyed the most:

Oh yes. Call me a "Emo faggot who doesn't know what deep truly is its just pretentious you know", but I LOVE Evangelion. And no, it's not because its "LOLDEEP", I just generally love the characters, designs, story and things. And the movie takes the series, and ups it times a million. I loved it from beginning to end, and am truly relishing the Blu-Ray release over here, as well as the second ones release.

If the X-Factors good for one thing, it's bringing back Journey. Oh hell yes. Was tempted to give this to RatM for getting Chrimbo#1 (Nice job, by the way), but christ. SOME OF DEM DAT BURN CROSSES isn't as sing-alongable as JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL. Good song. Deserving of being put back into the limelight.

The king is back. You like Wispas? WELL FUCK YOU HAVE SOME CARAMEL MOTHERFUCKER. Why did they cancel this? Why was this only a limited run? I don't care, all I know is that I had Wispa Gold goodness again, even if for a short period
Best of the other awards:
Game of the Year: Dragon Age: Origins
Tea of the Year: Twinings Earl Grey
Drink of the Year: Pepsi
Retailer of the Year: CeX
Park-Chan Wook of the Year: Sympathy for Lady Vengence
TV Series of the Year: Gavin and Stacey Series 3
Best of the other awards:
Game of the Year: Dragon Age: Origins
Tea of the Year: Twinings Earl Grey
Drink of the Year: Pepsi
Retailer of the Year: CeX
Park-Chan Wook of the Year: Sympathy for Lady Vengence
TV Series of the Year: Gavin and Stacey Series 3
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