But I'm going to review boxes instead.

Assassins Creed 2 is the new PS3 design, Grand Theft Auto IV is the old Playstation 3 design
Right off the bat, the new design seems a bit off. At the top, underneath the clear plastic makes it look like a lot more space is being wasted. It also seems more in your face than the slim line down the side. Speaking of wasted space and in your face, whats up with that HUGE black nothingness to the right of "PS3"? Could they really not think of something to put there? It seems empty, and makes the whole top of the box seem wasted. The original box, however, seems like an ideal box. Although you do have the empty plastic bit at the top, it's not accentuated as much as in the new box. The slim black down the left also avoids an in-your-face-look-at-me approach, whilst at the same time being instantly recognisable that its a PS3 game.
1 Points to the original box.
Lets ignore Assassin's Creed IIs blandness when next to GTAIV's glitzy logo for a second, and concentrate on the logo-y bits at the top. Part of me really wants to go with the "Wasted Space" thing again, but y'know, the PS3 side is really better. It's not red, for one thing. I mean, red's a cool colour, but unlike Black/White, it clashes with various colours. Having a black/white logo-y bit makes sense, as it means anything below won't look out of place as a result. On top of that, the new logo really fits there, whilst the original looks very squashed and uncomfortable.
PS3: 1
Playstation 3: 1
Oh, no changes. No-score draw this round, then.
Wow. I'm not sure if the pictures shows it enough, but pretty much the entire bottom 1/6th of the PS3 disk is dominated by a large black logo. I mean, looking closely at the Playstation 3 disk, one can see that the bottom is also dominated by the same text, but even so, at least the Playstation 3 allowed for some disk art behind it. The PS3 logo seems to want nothing more than to flaunt itself in your face, at the expense of pure Ezio here. The logo is also slightly off centre as well, in order to accommodate the Playstation Brand logo. I don't know about you, but this is lightly off putting. Seems a bit of a common-sense design error, actually.
Playstation 3: 2
PS3: 1
Well there you have it, the new design isn't as good as the old one, after doing a score by score tally. I won't argue that the new logo is better, but the way they implemented it on the box was quite bad. But ah well, at least I won't see the box when playing the games, 'eh?
Speaking of which, I'm going to play some Assassin's Creed II. Bye.
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